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The multiplicity of communication channels and increasing cultural and linguistic diversity in the world today call for a much broader view of literacy than portrayed by traditional language-based approaches. The Multiliteracies framework emphasizes interdependence among speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills and focuses students’ attention on the interactions between linguistic form, situational context, and communicative and expressive functions.

Here are seven thematically-related, sequentially organized lesson plans I have created based on the multiliteracies framework. These lessons are consistent with the multiliteracies framework in that they incorporate the principles of literacy, meaning design, the modes of communication, and genre. My overall goal is to help students to acquire basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and develop a basic awareness of the French culture. To achieve this, I have incorporated authentic texts found in several textual genres such as blog postings,  personal ads, TV commercials, videos on YouTube, a poll everywhere surveys, online articles, etc. so as to engage my students in hands-on fun tasks that require them to interpret, collaborate, problem-solve, and reflect on the texts used. Attached is also a final summative assessment related to the lessons designed and based on the multiliteracies framework.

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